Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. How does the locking algorithm work?In general, requesting a tune causes it to be locked for 14 days, no matter who queues it (including djrandom). There are two exceptions:
- Newly-uploaded tunes (uploaded in the past month) are only locked for 2-3 days;
- Christmas tunes have short lock times in December.
The random-favourite request button ignores lock times. When it queues a tune, that tune is locked for a short time, about two hours, just so we don't hear the same thing too many times in a row. Additionally, the button tries not to queue any tune that was played in the last 12 hours.
There is some sort of race condition bug in the random-favourite-request code, apparently, as once in awhile a tune will get queued twice in succession. The bug is difficult to reproduce, but we're aware of it and will try to fix it.
Added by nyingen (Last Updated: 6 months) [Full FAQ List]