zoi (16:33:02) birds are just like chatgpt anyway. just parrot things they've heard.
Rapture (16:30:49) dax age o/
Rapture (16:30:07) Hi Axel!
Rapture (16:29:52) zoi, no I don't want a sample replayer, I want intelligent social birds.
Rapture (16:29:33) hi d_vibe!
Agemixer (16:21:46) i_go (again)
Agemixer (16:12:07) Axel, or perhaps here -> https://amp.dascene.net
Agemixer (16:09:54) (Haven't tested the DL link myself, hope it works)
Agemixer (16:08:44) Axel, preview listen -> download , AFAIK. In 80 seconds the link is "active"
Agemixer (16:07:22) Axel
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