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PC (other)The Cookie Monster Will Get You by flag Hazel (Ketil Jensen)
Requested By: flagColidace

Time Left: 4:20

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Song Information

PC-S3MHuudan (Et sä kuule)

Author: flag Chanel5 (Eero Lempinen) GroupHirmu

Song Length: 4:30
Release Year: 1996
Song Status: Active
Song Source: Compo Entry
Song Platform: PlatformPC-S3M

Additional Information:

VERSE I (verse II is the same)

it's time to look at stars again,
star heals the world,
it pacifies and lulls to sleep,

it's time to look at stars again,
star heals the world,
at the moment of falling star [people] fall in love

now time runs and it's hurry up,
and black night is restless,
you could not anymore anticipate:
dark curls excite me


i shout, i shout because you don't hear,
i kiss you on mouth,
i'm free again to beg for sex/love*

*) the very last word of chorus (vonkaamaan) is a slang word which refers to beg for sex or related activities. I guess the origin of the word is in the sounds that cats make when in rut. The lyrics in chorus do not make much sense and leave some questions open (well, the verse doesn't make much sense either).

Thanks franz_koopa for the translation

Last Queued : 2 months, 2 weeks ago

This song has been played 138 times. [See Request History]
It was added 15 years, 6 months ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 2.5 - Votes Placed: 206 View Voting History
A total of 46 users have this song on their favourites list.

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автор еблан, кто это заказывает пидарас


ещё раз говорю, чтобы такое спеть надо быть уёбком, а чтобы это хотеть слушать надо быть мудаком

Kuchen ! Wer ihn tadelt liegt falsch

This must be the curse of Lappland ... used to torture people

Steadily at the low level

VERSE I (verse II is the same)
it's time to look at stars again,
star heals the world,
it pacifies and lulls to sleep,
it's time to look at stars again,
star heals the world,
at the moment of falling star [people] fall in love
now time runs and it's hurry up,
and black night is restless,
you could not anymore anticipate:
dark curls excite me
i shout, i shout because you don't hear,
i kiss you on mouth,
i'm free again to beg for sex/love*
*) the very last word of chorus (vonkaamaan) is a slang word which refers to beg for sex or related activities. I guess the origin of the word is in the sounds that cats make when in rut. The lyrics in chorus do not make much sense and leave some questions open (well, the verse doesn't make much sense either).


So awful it breaks through to the other side.

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