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PC-XMSapphire Bullets by flag Norfair (Carl Åborg)
Requested By: flaglatter
In Compilations: Compilation Music Contest 6

Time Left: 3:13

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User Profile For mirrorbird

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flag symptomless coma

Member Since: November 18, 2016
85 Uploads, 10326 Votes, Spoken 233655 Times.
Last Login: January 18, 2025
mail Send A Message | View mirrorbird's Favourites List.
Icon mirrorbird's Ultimate Song: PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Pa-Pa-Pa Have video by flag Sauron (Aleksandr Vasilev) l Locked

Public information

greetz and ekolonuusta!

I LOVE: Italo disco, spacesynth, 8-bit Speccy and Atari tunas, and the mighty flag CYBORG JEFF.
I LIKE: a lot of modules and SIDs, and bad novelty songs with funny lyrics.
I DISLIKE: weepy emo guitar shit, and cover versions that get the notes wrong (who makes these and why?).

Outside of Necta, you might catch me listening to EBM, industrial, trad Goth, IDM/glitch, synthpop, retro pop, symphonic metal, and my neighbour's annoying chihuahua.

I am the same age as Pac-Man. The first scene demo I ever saw was probably "The Lyra II" by ESI (1991). I have done 8-bit pixel art in a handful of demos, and wrote a few bad XMs that never went anywhere near a demo. Parties attended: Forever, IVP, Raww.orgy, Sundown.

I may transcribe English lyrics if you ask nicely.

Back up your faves with this fine regex:
<span class=\"songname\">.*?<a[^>]*song/(\\d+)/\">(.*?)</a>.*?</span>.*?<span class=\"artistname\">.*?<img[^>]*>.*?<a[^>]*>(.*?)</a>

serpent wrote me this beautiful song: Birdie's Delight

bird's pattern of getting drunk (and eventually insane);
S -> -> -> -> ε


I made the smileys , , , , and (based on and ) and added frames to , and did those "colourful" platform icons that we seem to be keeping for now.

The platform colour choices follow actual rules, mostly based on sound-chip family, but sometimes on machine family. I hope any future redesigns will keep the colour scheme.

A = "Amiga" = amber (orange) => all native Amiga stuff (DMB, AHX, MOD, etc.)
P = "PC" = purple => all PC-related stuff (Buzz, PC-IT, etc.), and "typically PC" stuff like MIDI
S = "SID" = scarlet (red) => the C64 SID, like nothing else on Earth
Y = "YM" = yellow => YM, AY and friends: Spectrum, Atari, CPC, OPLL, and "relatives" with different chips, like Sam Coupé
N = "Nintendo" = navy (blue) => NES, DS, Game Boy, GBA
E = "eight-bit" = emerald (green) => obscure 8-bits like VIC-20, BBC Micro, Atari VCS
black = anything else => wild, live, explicit sizecode (16K, 32K, etc.), other obscure platforms


Mon matin de CJ:

veall wants to say hi, in the night (Italo style):

nyingen is pleased to have the honour:

CJ tracks ARE BACK:

Do you want your transmissions I-sent-ified:

Long titles queue:

24 songs in the queue:

Missing reupload STAYING POWER:

Rapture gets greedy (exploiting a glitch in the Queue Random Fav button):

Friendly Fire karaoke with LooPeR (and alcohol):



"shit i spat some mango on my knee" -- Rapture

"I love the people but I don't love the scene. I believe in God but I don't believe in the church." -- Vousti

"Midas make things gold, he alchemist" -- Stinsen

"I'm the motherfucking daddy goose" -- Stinsen

"Al dobwhat they will, i will never yt a" -- serpent

"rapture you remind me of my old biology teacher" -- noodi10

"the kiss still burns on my lips" -- Rapture (talking about when serpent kissed him)

"i am no longer interested in your nose drippings" -- Rapture



#1: Cyborg Jeff Friday is how we get our arts funding from the EU. We have to play 15% Belgian music.
#2: There used to be "djrandom hour" where nobody could request songs for a solid hour, and they were all randomly selected. People got so upset about it.


epso (April 2022, in London)
MrsBeanbag (technically, same place, same time, I think I said hello, but we did not interact, probably someone had warned her)

ummm... that's it... meet me if you want to expand this list.