Agemixer (22:41:20) niiku!
Rapture (22:40:06) do it anyway no matter which, start with p1
Rapture (22:39:45) ah.. discipline is da keyword
Rapture (22:39:36) project1? can wait a few days.. p2? same.. p3? same.. p4? same.. ok I'm just lazy nothing to do. WHAT?
Rapture (22:39:05) do you know that?
Rapture (22:39:01) really dislike it to have 3-4 projects open at once but none of them has any special priority to work off as first so that triggers laziness
Rapture (22:36:22) trying to go earlier to bed
Rapture (22:30:39) then i blocked that guy. lol. smh.
Rapture (22:30:34) "it's serious business.. YOU CANT SAY S1 / S2 is better than S3 !!!!"
Rapture (22:30:21) sonic3fans on YT arent better
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