Machforr (14:25:14) MOAR HYPAHBAYZE!
Rapture (14:25:03) moment: was my second game I made music for.
Rapture (14:24:34) holy phuck.. I score a lot of 2d shootem up games recently.
Machforr (14:24:27) If humanity survives the next 2 years, it'll be a miracle. It's just fecking February
Momentvm (14:24:26) Rapture, I was not aware, that Mr Rap wrote some tunes to Extreme Assault. A very fine game I used to play a lot back in the day
LittleWhite (14:24:09)
Rapture (14:23:58) now it's hightech PS3 time
Rapture (14:23:52) i will play PS5 in year 2100
Rapture (14:23:46) LW
Rapture (14:23:32) but it's easy to differenciate between 30fps or 60fps
Time Left: 4:24
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