Agemixer (00:48:48) Youre right. Sonic Fox Digging Digital, 1991.
Rapture (00:47:25) ?
Rapture (00:47:24) sonic foxß
Agemixer (00:45:16) Well anyway Sonic Fox has nothing to do with the hedgehog
Rapture (00:44:03) sonic came 1991, and XM came 1995 or so?
Rapture (00:43:53) qhat?
Agemixer (00:43:32) and Sonic came later..
Rapture (00:43:05) SONIC THE HEDGEHOG
Rapture (00:43:01) cool laxity song! Sounds like a certain Hedgehog
Agemixer (00:42:43) some day i wanted to mix stuff. i was already a sound tweaking hedge-hog
Time Left: 3:01
Till I Feel You by MadWizardsFetched from Pouet id 8952