Momentvm (15:01:47) reaper (bought it ) and mucho vsts
Momentvm (15:01:00) me too
Rapture (15:00:47) now only vst
Rapture (15:00:44) i sold all my hardware synth
Momentvm (15:00:35) after, like, 15 years give or take
Momentvm (15:00:00) I sold all of my gear soon after and got back to making music again a few years ago
Momentvm (14:58:58) I so wanted a Trinity/Triton or an EX5 back then :/ I finally bough an N364 though
Rapture (14:57:56) are the kings of synths :)=
Rapture (14:57:52) yes M1, D50 and DX7
Momentvm (14:57:05) (not so) good ole times
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