Agemixer (05:24:18) buzz buzz
Agemixer (05:24:05) $51 waveform rocks there.
Agemixer (04:53:57) But yeah, c64 basic included that nasty (float) ^ (float). In a machine that CPu has no multiple or divide commands natively.
Rapture (04:44:21) o/
Agemixer (04:43:41) gn8 Rap
Agemixer (04:43:02) since A * B = C tyrns into this: log(A) + log(B) = log C
Rapture (04:42:59) gn8 & cya age!
Rapture (04:42:55) But I go to bed
Rapture (04:42:35) SCHMIDT, PAUL to Paul Schmidt in one go.
Rapture (04:42:00)
Time Left: 3:48
A history of play requests for song Chordian