
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. Is Oneliner a free speech zone? Is it censored?ONELINER GUIDELINES (and these same rules apply in the Nectarine Discord chat!)
- Enjoy friendly chat with other sceners and scenemusic appreciators
- Discuss music, especially what is playing on the stream
- Make funny jokes
- Talk/rave/gripe about your job, your move, the weather, your food, your craft beers, your life generally
** Do not make comments that would, to a reasonable person, seem racist, sexist, overtly political, or making light of the struggles of others.
** No politics or religion. Keep your politics to yourself. Let's all just get along.
** Do not post links to edgy memes, videos, comics, political news articles, or anything else that may make casual visitors believe this is a hostile or unwelcoming environment.
** You are not sure whether a link or comment is appropriate? DON'T POST IT.
Oneliner is displayed on every Necta page, and to the general public. Oneliner is NOT a "free speech zone". Nectarine admins will remove any comments that break these guidelines posted anywhere on this site, without warning, and will remove oneliner privileges from users who repeatedly break the guidelines. This is a demoscene appreciation site and archive, not a general social media platform.
THERE IS ZERO TOLERANCE FOR ABUSE OF OTHER USERS OR STAFF. Hateful words toward users or staff will result in loss of privileges to use the site. There is no trial, tribunal, or appeal. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
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